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How to create a Goto TOP link on a website

Go to the top

Some websites require a link that, when clicked, leads to the top, mostly on the wap / mobile version of the website. It’s actually not difficult to do because it just takes HTML in the form of a link. The link is actually used for a lot of content that takes a long time to scroll, so this is what the goto top link is for. When I first created a website myself, I didn’t yet know what the goto top link meant, and over time I finally understood its use.

Maybe if it’s a PC version someone offers this top got link in the section The bottom corner is a big symbol, but in the mobile version, cukyp only states it in the footer. You can usually find this link in wap with download category which provides a lot of content per page and not only provides goto top, but also goto content and the like to make it easier for mobile users to access the desired content. If you’ve ever been to Wikipedia you must have come across a link like this, which is a link to a name. Here’s how to do it, see below.

  1. First, copy the HTML code below and paste it at the top of the page (header).

  2. then please copy the code below again and install it at the bottom of the page (footer).

    Goto TOP

Now try clicking the link Go to the top, then it will automatically go to the top of the page without reloading. The link is actually a reload, but the object refers to a page so that the reload does not have to be used again. You can also Add image or javascript others provide variety, and of course the more looks the better. The above is just a simple example, and I am deliberately sharing it as simply as possible so that it is easy to understand.

So in the HTML code above you are basically using the attribute “Surname“Which allows the browser to focus on this section when adding the url with the fence code and name according to the previous attribute. If the object “Surname“Was not on the page, then the page will be reloaded / refreshed. You can also find another example of how this code works on this blog on this page. Try looking for a link Add a comment, it will jump to the comment area. If you have any questions about any of the above, please comment.

Hopefully useful and good luck