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How to clear search history on Instagram

How to clear search history on Instagram

Every time a user searches on Instagram, be it for people or hashtags, the search goes straight to the “Latest“So users can see what they’ve been looking for recently.

Actually no problem if the user is looking for everything on his own mobile phone. However, trying to do this on a friend or other person’s phone is a big problem as they will know what the user is looking for when they hold the phone.

In addition, there is no function for deleting practically like on Youtube, which can be deleted by pressing and holding (panjer) on keywords. There is no function for this on Instagram. But on the plus side, users can erase it entirely.

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Clear search history on Instagram

Even if you can’t select one to delete, users can at least delete the entire person, hashtags, or places previously searched. And of course, this removes traces as if the user had never looked for anything before.

  1. Open the Instagram application on the phone, go to the profile area, then press the option button in the top right corner.

    Clear search history on Instagram

  2. After that, scroll down and tap on the menu with the name Clear search history.

    Clear search history on Instagram

  3. If a dialog appears, please click Yes I am sure.

    Clear search history on Instagram

  4. Done, now look into the search area, it must have been empty.

    Clear search history on Instagram

This is the only way to clear the search history on Instagram, maybe in the future Instagram will provide a feature that can select some things that were previously searched. Now one can only wait and hope.

Also Read: How To Temporarily Delete An Instagram Account


It is possible that someone who came across this article has finished with it stalk from someone else’s mobile phone to someone’s Instagram account. And there has to be a reason users choose to use other phones because the account they are supposed to snoop on is set as privacy and the user doesn’t follow it randomly.

Overall, the above method clears the story and also raises questions from his friends. But that’s fine, the most important thing is that users don’t leave traces that can be found by the phone owner.

Hopefully useful and good luck