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How to access Google Stadia Cloud Gaming in Indonesia

How to access Google Stadia Cloud Gaming in Indonesia

Stadia is a cloud gaming service from Google. The service is basically limited to countries in America and Europe, but may also be available for countries in Asia in the future.

Even though Stadia isn’t currently available in Indonesia, it’s still easy to try, even if it’s not as great as expected. The most important thing is that you have enough internet connection, on average, to be able to stream 4GB per hour.

This is how you play the game AAA at Stadia about Indonesia? This article explains one easy way to do it, and Blog Second will also provide tips to make your gaming experience smooth and hassle-free.

Tricks for Playing Stadia Games in Indonesia

There are two things you can do to start playing games on Stadia in unsupported countries. The first is via VPN, and the second is via proxy. But there are special criteria that have to be met in order for the game to run smoothly later on.

1. Use a fast and stable USA VPN

The quality of the VPN server has a huge impact on the graphics of the game on Stadia. Of course, if the VPN you are using is slow it will degrade the graphics quality of the game and result in blurring or blurring flickering, so the gaming experience is not optimal.

If you want maximum results, please purchase a premium VPN. Of course there is no doubt about the servers and unlimited speeds provided. Some VPN services sometimes offer it as well free test access, you can use it to find out whether or not the VPN service is good before you buy it to play on Stadia.

Make sure you connect to a country VPN in the US / America so you can open the Google Stadia website and you won’t get a warning that the country is no longer supported.

2. Use a good quality USA proxy

In addition to using a VPN, you can play games on Stadia with an American proxy. Using a data center proxy is fine and make sure the proxy has a high and stable speed.

There are several different services to buy a proxy on the internet, some even allow users to test it for a few days before buying. So if the quality is good, you can subscribe to the proxy to keep playing games on Stadia.

To use your proxy, please install an extension called ProxyOmega in the browser, then create a new profile and enter the proxy information there. Alternatively, you can use the program Proxy.

Tips for stabilizing game graphics on Stadia

Played Cloud gaming the most reliable are PING and internet speed. These two things are very important for you to be comfortable while playing.

So first make sure you choose the server with the fastest PING. Maybe near 100ms or 150msalthough it’s quite high, but it’s normal when using a VPN / proxy and it’s still comfortable.

Next, please test your internet speed through the website Speed ​​test. Make sure the speed you have is approx 20 Mbit / s. Anything else would be much better.

If these two things are now fulfilled, you are now ready to play the game with no problem.

Also Read: 5 Free Trials Of Cloud Gaming Services


Google Stadia isn’t currently available in Indonesia so the only way to play there is to use a VPN. Stadia also offers access to a month-long trial so you can play games with labels PROFESSIONAL there for free.

Additionally, Stadia also offers free access to games forever, but it’s limited to a few games, one of which is Hitman. But the possibility of free games will also be added in the future.

If you have any questions or any other additions about playing Stadia games in Indonesia, please post them in the comments section below.

Hopefully useful and good luck