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Backup process failed solution on Updraftplus WordPress

Updraftplus solution could not be saved on WordPress

Updraftplus is a plugin for WordPress that is useful for easily backing up websites. With the help of these plugins you can control what is backed up. In addition, the backup files can also be transferred directly to the cloud storage.

The backup process in Updraftplus is automatic, but there is an issue where the process stops in the middle so the backup process fails and stops when it fails.

Of course, there are obstacles that lead to the failure of the process and, on average, these problems can be overcome. Because Updraftplus itself has a log system that records the speed of the backup process from start to finish.

1. Check the backup log

A log file is always saved with every backup process, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails. So please check the log file and scroll down until the backup process stops.

It will show what caused the process to stop and fail. For example, the cloud storage service is not responding or requires re-authentication, the storage is full, or something else. Everything is shown in the log file.

2. Website server with Litespeed

Litespeed is known to have some issues, especially with scheduled tasks which lasts very briefly. As a result, the backup process suddenly stops in the middle.

The solution is to add a little code to the file below .htaccess.

RewriteRule .* - [E=noabort:1]

And if adding the code above doesn’t solve the problem, another option is to take advantage of the features WordPress’ alternative scheduling system. It is enough to paste the code below into the file wp-config.php.

define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true);

3. Update plugins

Don’t forget to check the update menu on the admin page to see if there is an updated version of Updraftplus. After all, the newer version shouldn’t have any problems.

4. Follow a backup file that is too large

A backup file that is too large can cause the server to timing out processing. You can increase the time limit per file wp-config.php. Just add the code below.


Now the timeout has increased to 300 seconds. You can update it as needed. Another easier way is to split the backup file.

To perform a split, please go to Updraft > arrangement > Advanced settings. After that, scroll down and find the option Split archives all and put it as 100 MB or lower.

Also read: Tips before upgrading the WordPress version so that there are no errors

5. Ask on the Updraftplus plugin page

Please go to the Updraftplus plugin page on the site and then to the help or support. Then create a new topic and state the problem. Typically, plugin moderators respond within a few hours.

On average, both moderators and contributors ask Log filesso prepare the file for them to research. And then you will be told the cause and also the way to solve it.

The problem of failed backups can sometimes make your head dizzy. Especially if it is a very important website, this type of problem certainly needs to be fixed right away. And some of the above options will surely solve this problem.

What makes Updraftplus so great is that users can manage backup files so that if something goes wrong with the site it can be easily restored. But apart from Updraftplus, there are also several other plugins to secure your WordPress site with one click. But I think Updraftplus does that best, even in the free version.

Hope it’s useful