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3 Powerful Tips to Prevent Phone or SMS Fraud Mode

3 Powerful Tips to Prevent Phone or SMS Fraud Mode

Fraudulent mode by phone or SMS has been around since ancient times and still exists today. No matter how many scammers have been caught, they continue to exist and increase every year. So the public can prevent them from being deceived.

There are many ways scammers can use to deceive their goals. If it’s a text message it might be normal, but it’s different with a phone where the target can believe the scammer’s words.

This article explains some tips to smartly prevent fraud. That way, if you get it, you can be on your guard Call or SMS by an unknown person. Because this person could be a cheater.

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Types of fraud modes by phone or SMS

Before discussing prevention tips, it is worth knowing in advance what types of modes are commonly used by scammers to carry out their missions over the phone or SMS.

  • Win the lottery from a bank or mobile phone card

  • Selected mobile number at a party (example: year-end party)

  • Receive spontaneous prizes like money, cars, motorcycles, etc.

  • Get a PIN to enter a website

  • Get a loan broker offer

  • Request to call the number provided to complete the payment

  • Sending an SMS message in the form of an account number with no explanation

  • Invite to join a service (example: insurance)

There can be several other types of scams that usually appear over the phone or text message, but the list above is the most common so far. And if you get a text message just like the above, that’s enough TO IGNORE.

Below are powerful tips to prevent fraudulent mode over phone. Take a look and make it an experience.

1. Don’t trust unknown numbers so easily

Basically, scammers will continue to make their targets seem like they believe what they have said. A simple example is that they sound like very professional operators. Whether on behalf of the police, the carrier, or even the bank, it’s best don’t believe it.

First investigate the truth. A simple example is to see the number used. When they use strange numbers like +0000 or a normal number like 08123456, 021123456, then hang up immediately. It is certain that it is a scam.

As long as the number not in contact Do not believe the mobile phone and hang up is the better prevention.

2. Do not give any information on the phone

Amateur scammers usually ask for your name first and then other things like address etc. unlike the big scammers who can find out all the information about you.

But back to the first point, namely “don’t think so easilySo the point is never to give them any information in any form. Whether NIK, KK number, full address or even an account. At least never.

3. Ignore unknown numbers directly

This method is considered to be very effective in avoiding fraud. So if a call or text message doesn’t make sense, just ignore it. The scammer will stop contacting you because they feel that you understand that they are being tricked and they will look for another target.

However, if the unknown number keeps calling, it’s a good idea to block the number or report it to customer service (Customer service) on the current map.

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The three possibilities mentioned above can be used as an experience to prevent deception over the phone or SMS. And know one thing, the deceiver’s mission is only MONEY. No matter what they talk about, be it a gift, a promotion or something else, it inevitably ends in money.

Amateur scammers will usually tell their target to send money, while known scammers will only need a few things from the target, for example unique number on the debit card. or instruct the target to go to an ATM, enter a number given them, and then siphon off the money.

Therefore, points 1 and 2 above are very important to avoid this. And point 3 is the right way to prevent this from happening completely by ignoring it immediately without having to speak again.

And maybe some people are wondering where this big scammer got the correct information like name, address, account number from. And it’s still a mystery, but many think it’s the result of data breaches by the bank, be it a corrupt worker or something else.

Even though they know all the information about you, they probably want more important information, and it must be money. So stay careful and always keep the three tips above in mind.

Hope it’s useful