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2 ways to disable Javascript in Chrome

2 ways to disable Javascript in Chrome

By default, the Javascript function must be activated in all browsers, including Chrome. Since visiting a website without Javascript is not fun, things will be missing or even the website system will prohibit the display of the content.

Javascript itself is a type of thing that is used to interact between websites and browsers. Despite the fact that a website can be created without adding Javascript little bit. However, Javascript is like a complement.

This article will teach you how to turn off Javascript, which many people may not be looking for. But chances are, few people need to do this to visit a particular site.

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1. Disable Javascript directly from the settings

There is nothing easier than setting it up directly in the settings. This is the same as disabling cookies and even giving users the option to disable them on select websites only. So this is a very effective method. Follow the method below.

  1. Open the Chrome browser and click Menu in the top right corner then press settings.

    Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

  2. To get to the settings page, press the menu option at the top left again until an additional menu appears. Then choose Progressive => Privacy and security.

    Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

  3. Scroll down and click Content settings.

    Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

  4. Scroll again and click Javascript.

    Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

  5. Well, here the user can disable it. Just press the blue button on the right. And done.

    Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

If the user only wants to disable it for one site, just press the button ADD in the section clogged Then add the URL of the target website. Be sure to use the symbol [*.] before the URL and does not have to be used www or http.

2. Using shortcuts to Chrome

This second method allows users to disable Javascript without having to go to Settings and create it as a shortcut directly. Creating a shortcut is also easy, just right-click and select on the desktop New => connections.

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The method is very simple, at the destination the user simply adds – Turn off JavaScript after .exe. Here is an example image.

Disable Javascript in the Chrome browser

While this method is simple, sometimes it doesn’t work well for some websites. Be it because of the installed add-ons or something else. That’s why I prefer Use the first method to be able to completely deactivate Javascript.

Hopefully useful and good luck