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Tips to avoid being fooled by SCAM PPC services

There are thousands of more PPC service websites that can be used as fields to generate income from websites that users have. There is no denying that there must be services out of the many websites that don’t pay in full and lead to fraud.

Not paying PPC services are usually due to a lack of advertisers or may be waiting to be paid for by other advertising websites they use. But the point is that such a site is real must be avoided and not used to make money.

From my own experience, I have been betrayed by many services PPC, CPA, CPM, and others due to my negligence in choosing. However, the website allows me to learn how to prevent it from coming back so that I can choose and customize in advance whether it is appropriate or not.

Tips to avoid being fooled by SCAM PPC services

Detecting fraudulent PPC programs

Those who cheat on creating a PPC program, CPA, etc. are idiots. What you don’t want to lose when building a business and what you want to prioritize profits. So if they start losing money they will likely start scamming publishers.

But service AD network the serious one shouldn’t be like that and can at least fight for the best by imitating the side AD network others who have triumphed over it.

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It is different when they are tricked by publishers that they should act wisely by creating programs Fight against fraud who will detect fraud by publishers.

And worst of all, there are a lot of PPC or CPA services that publishers don’t pay with excuses fraud although the publisher does not feel cheated.

Tips to avoid being fooled by SCAM PPC services

These tips not only cover PPC but CPA, CPM and so on as they are basically the same and want publishers to join their website. To do this, from now on, follow some of the tips below before joining an AD network.

  • Check on ScamAdvertiser in advance – This website called ScamAdvertiser notifies the user that the PPC site that the user is going to use is really trustworthy or vice versa. ScamAdvertiser will notify this based on reviews from publishers who have joined it.
  • Asking or searching for a topic in the forum – This is also imperative to get more specific information about publishers joining there, as publishers usually doseize Proof of payment and uploaded to forums on the Internet.
  • Proof of whois site authenticity – Every PPC website and others must have a page Above who explains his personal data and when the website was started. Compare it with the data in Whois in the domain registration area.
  • Knowledge of domain and server type – Advertiser websites should Top-level domain and powerful servers (dedicated). If users come across a PPC site that is still using a free domain and its shared hosting server, do not register there.
  • Make sure that PPC can be contacted – Later contact with the PPC staff, manager or owner is required. To do this, try to get in touch first and find out more about the website. If there is no contact function, there is at least a forum function to discuss something with other publishers.

There are only 5 tips but they are enough to avoid fraudulent PPC sites. Above Fraud Advertiser, the page is actually used to check the online shop, but from the functions scannerit can provide exact details, e.g. B. How many days the site was written and the server is somewhere.


The first tip can be skipped, but not for the second tip. It is very important to ask on similar forums digitalpoint, thebotnet, or others who have a lot of members, because whoever knows one of the members there has already tried the PPC site.

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And the final piece of advice is never to be fooled by PPC or CPA sites that are apply by email, let alone go to the SPAM folder. Don’t let the side fool you AD network who charge very high and otherwise unreasonable prices. In fact, the easiest way to get people’s liking is to register on their website and start using it without paying users later.

Hopefully useful and good luck