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Tips that are not easily fooled by hoax messages

Tips that are not easily fooled by hoax messages

Every day there is new news that spreads to all corners of the world, be it real news and even hoax messages can also spread worldwide over time. Worst of all, hoax messages can currently be found on social media sites like Facebook.

Because today’s Facebook users are not only young people and adults, parents and even elementary school children sometimes also have a personal Facebook account.

Hoax messages, or what is meant by fake news, do not affect people who are used to the Internet, especially IT people, and usually the messages sometimes have little evidence based on photos taken.

Of course, if the picture looks convincing, people will also feel like it is the original message, but they don’t want to see if it’s really real and suddenly their finger immediately hits the button to share the post.

The more the post is seen by others, then More and more people are being deceived. It is normal for people to feel cheated for the first time, but when they keep believing in hoaxes the stupidity grows.

So that users are not fooled by hoax messages on the Internet, we show here how you can find out the authenticity of the messages. This allows users to infer whether it is real news or just a joke.

  1. Get to know the news source – If the creator of the post gives a unique source for the messages being shared, it is still potentially 70% trustworthy if the source actually exists.
    If the source is in the form of a link to the largest news site on the Internet, it can be determined that it is real news. And vice versa, if there is no news source, move on to the second step.
  2. Search news in search engines – Just write the title of the message that a search site like google finds less convincing. If it is confirmed that there is news from a popular news site, then it is certain that the news is genuine.
    And vice versa, if there is the same news but not based on popular news sites, go to the third step again.
  3. Review of the news website – Although popular news sites have been proven to be true, ordinary individual-managed news sites don’t all have hoax messages, you know.
    But sometimes fake news sites also have fake news in their content and always more.
  4. Look for the website’s domain address – People who want to cheat can actually use several methods, one of which changes its domain to be similar to other popular news sites.
    For this reason, users should at least look at the domain address by the extra numeric characters in front, in the middle, or at the end.
  5. Know the timing of news events – Last but not least, it is important to know the timing of the news as many people often share old news for unclear items.
    Therefore, if a user finds such messages and it turns out to be real, it is better to know the timing of the incident, be it recently or even years ago.

The above five tips can be very useful for users to find out the authenticity of the messages shared by friends or other people on social media so that they are not fooled later.

Worst example is the messages shared by an account posing as an artist and it is a plot illegal who has committed an illegal act. Sometimes websites that post hoax messages have purposes of their own.

Also Read: How To Lock The Timeline On A Facebook Account

So the owner of the hoax message uses some kind of bait to get other people to visit the site. And when a lot of people visit the hoax news, the website owner automatically gets their own income from the visitors’ actions.

Just need at least 5 minutes Just try the 5 tips above and users may find out that it is real news or hoax news.

Hopefully useful and good luck