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Tips on Overcoming Brebet Speaker Sound on PC

Have users ever felt very uncomfortable listening to music through PC speakers, either with the speakers or not at all, but the sound still seems loud. Some people might think that this is because the speakers or PC performance is slowing down, but basically this also affects the audio drivers on the PC and is compatible but not very comfortable to use. It’s not that the driver doesn’t support this, it’s just a couple of functional errors.

I had the same problem myself There is a crackling noise when playing music or normal audio or you can say noise. This was very unexpected for all users and so I started looking for a solution and it turned out that the only one was the pre-installed driver. In fact, I used to have such problems myself upgrading the driver with the help of software and in this new audio driver it turned out to be a little problem that caused this.

The solution wasn’t that difficult and can be done right from Windows settings. The point with As I share that, there is no risk that will arise because what it does is set something in the audio settings only against an audio driver that is currently in use. Whatever the problem, if it involves poor audio signals even though you are using other audio player software, the cause is the same as this one. The following is the procedure for overcoming speaker noise on a PC.

  1. Please switch on the PC first and pay attention to the taskbar. Please right click on the icon sound then a menu appears and click Sounds.

    How to overcome speaker Brebet Sound on PC

  2. A popup will appear, please select on the tab reproduction. The audio driver, which is used as an icon, then appears in this playback section speaker. Right click on the audio driver and select properties.

    How to overcome speaker Brebet Sound on PC

  3. Next, click the tab Improvements and please check the Deactivate all extensions.

    How to overcome speaker Brebet Sound on PC

  4. In the last step, please click OK and see the difference.

If the sound still occurs, try restarting after performing the above method. The point is the above method so that this driver will have no effect on the audio and still allow users with the music player to add effects to the audio. For example, adding reverb, bass, etc and the settings in the settings above is just to disable the addition of these sound effects to make it better because judging by the name it is Improvements its use is known. Please note that in this case, the crashing noise will only occur when the user is playing an audio and can be overcome using the above method. However, if the user is not playing audio and there is a squeaking noise from the beginning, then this is another problem. If you have any questions please comment.

Hopefully useful and good luck