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Tips on Overcoming and Preventing Hacked Instagram Accounts

Prevent and overcome hacked Instagram accounts

It immediately seems that Instagram is a compilation of Twitter, and the difference is that Instagram is more likely to be used for storing videos and photos, while Twitter can be used like any other social microblog network that can share limited content. Developed by Facebook, Instagram also has almost the same benefits as Twitter, but Instagram is more geared towards being free to use on mobile devices. Actually, it can also be opened directly from a browser from a mobile phone or computer, and of course there are advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Creating different accounts should have different passwords and if my Facebook is hacked by someone else, the other social accounts won’t be hacked too. Once in a while People don’t care about the same password In the case of email, it is better to create a password, email needs to be tightened or may have strange symbols, making it very difficult for people trying to log in. If the email password is the same as the social account, it is very dangerous. Where today there are many people transacting on social accounts and if the account has been hacked and taken over by someone else, the previous account holder must be responsible for fraud on their behalf.

There are 2 types of hackers that you can commonly encounter, namely: the person who broke the account using the example of deleting shared content, then there is also the person using the account B. for product promotion or a website that sells a less trustworthy product. Everyone always makes mistakes that cause the person to resolve them, here I give an example of Instagram account being hacked or hacked and how to fix it. Before I share there are 2 optional conditions, namely the Instagram account must be integrated with Facebook or have an unhacked email. With these two things, it is very likely that the Instagram account can be restored properly. How to deal with someone else’s Instagram hacked account.

  1. Forgot Password – This is the first method I share as it gives the user a special url / link that leads to a new password change page. To do this, please go to the Instagram Forgot Password page.
  2. Report directly to Instagram – After reporting the relevant listed account, Instagram immediately analyzes all suspicious things on the account, such as receiving a link to reset the password. To report this, please go to the Instagram help page.
  3. Canceling access to third-party apps – Users don’t know if they will ever allow the app to send content unexpectedly. And if it actually does, please cancel the application access that is allowed on the Instagram application manager page.

The three methods above can be used if the account has really been hacked by someone else and there are several different ways you can prevent this from happening. And as with most words: “Prevention is better than overcoming”. Keeping an account secure is not easy and don’t have to be seen every time to anticipate suspicious occurrences, but by doing things that are safe and have nothing to do with the account! The likelihood of being hacked will be less. You don’t actually see hacked accounts by whether the account is active or not, but the consequences of careless and unimportant account owners will follow. Here I am sharing one way to prevent your account from being hacked, see below.

  1. Choose a strong password – By using a strong password, hackers will find it difficult to enter the account with their password. An example of a strong password is at least 8 numbers and complex symbols and large and small text sizes.
  2. Never give a password – Do not give passwords to anyone, including relatives, except for someone you really trust, such as a friend. B. Family or community groups that manage shared accounts. If there is a website that asks for an Instagram password, just ignore it.
  3. Quit Instagram from the browser – If the user has ever opened an Instagram account through a computer or browser from another device, it is advisable to log out or log out so that no person in jail sends unwanted content. For example a computer from an internet cafe, because Instagram has cookies that last a very long time if they are not deleted or logged out
  4. Check that the email account is secure – Please go to the registered email and whether the email account is still in a state that can be opened or maybe has been hacked, if the email account has been hacked, hackers will probably find it easier to enter To obtain a user account and to prevent this from happening, please change your email address
  5. Via third party apps – Think first, before allowing existing applications for a website, look at the existing licenses and if it is considered very silly to be able to do all sorts of things, such as: B. Likes, Comments, Follows, etc.

Only some of the above options can keep hackers from getting in. I’ve experienced something similar myself and created the same password of my own accord as the password I created on another website. So I remind you one more time, better Never create the same password with other social accounts that’s on the website because who knows that one day there will be a prison guard who tries to log in with the password he got from another social account. I repeat as above, never get access to third parties who do not adhere to Instagram’s rules or terms, including websites that sell or promise followers or likes for free because they do possibly an attempt to misuse the user account.

Hopefully useful and good luck