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Tips on Avoiding Websites from the Impact of Google Algorithm Updates

Tips on Avoiding Websites from the Impact of Google Algorithm Updates

Google always updates its algorithm in clever ways. Most of the new algorithms will wipe out so many sites that day that there will be big changes to the SERP and sites that normally always peak in the prime position could fall down.

However, this algorithm update is actually a good thing. But usually people do bad things when there is an algorithm update that creates a new blog quickly like AGC.

Various types of Google algorithms are known today. The worst is penguin there eat many innocent victims of the site loses visitors. Even my website was hit by an algorithm in 2021 humming-bird episode Low quality content and it is true that my article still stinks back then SPAM.

Also Read: What Makes Website Visitors Drop Dramatically?

Anticipate Google algorithm updates

As blog owners, we never know when Google will update its algorithm. Some even say that the algorithm doesn’t actually exist. And it depends on each other’s beliefs how the user chooses a round or flat earth.

Google’s algorithm is not advertised by Google itself, but by Google employees who usually advertise it on Twitter. And at the moment the most active in giving Update about the performance on google is roundtable.

In addition, there are also several websites that can provide accurate algorithm updates, namely SearchEngineLand, GSQI, and others.

Avoidance of negative algorithm updates

Before I read any further, I would just like to give you a tip here. However, it does not rule out that this can be overcome altogether. I have been using this method on a new site since 2021 and it is still quiet and without disturbances until now.

  • Remove unqualified articles – Generally a post that is called “items“Should contain at least 300 words per page. But it’s not good if the article is just a picture with no words.

    Or an article with just embed Youtube only, it’s actually not good and can be affected when the algorithm update starts.

  • Eliminate duplicate content – This one thing is really liked by Google Panda and will chew it off the SERP right away. An example of duplicate content is an article that contains the same sentence.

    If only similar sentences Quotes in short, it doesn’t matter. But if the sentence is a paragraph long, it is not good in Google’s eyes and needs to be removed immediately. And copying from other pages also involves duplicate content

  • Don’t install too many tags or keywords – Surely users already know tags, right? Or it can be called a label to identify what articles are about.

    Using a lot of tags that are designed to attract visitors is not very good. Also add lots of similar words keywords under the article.

  • Delete SPAM pages – Every blog owner is obliged not to mislead his visitors. One of them is displaying SPAM pages that don’t have the content the visitor is looking for.

    Usually the page takes the form of searches, fraudulent articles, and so on. And the suggestion is not to create a search page until it is indexed by Google.

  • Too many SPAM links – Not that I don’t allow many links to appear in one article. What is meant now, however, is an external SPAM link.

    Since there are SPAM comments, they will surely bring a LINK form in the comments that can be searched for Backlinks. And when the link is displayed on the user’s website, it has a very bad effect. Use it better Antispam plugin so that you do not receive any SPAM comments.

  • Check Google Safebrowsing regularly – Basically, Google offers a function to check whether a website is safe or not. From there, users can now find out which websites are potentially dangerous for visitors.

    Users can regularly check their website once a month. If something is making the site unhealthy, find out which pages are infected. It could be that there are links that are blocked by Google or others so that they appear bad on Google Safebrowsing.

For now, that’s all I can say about how to avoid this gruesome algorithm update. If users have other suggestions, just add them to the comments column and maybe I can add them above too.

Also Read: How To Overcome Broken 404 Link In Search Engines


A blogger’s life can change when an algorithm update plagues their website. And getting up again is not that easy. Even so, the most important thing is that the site not be exposed penalty and algorithm updates usually only kill a few percent of organic visitors.

Other than being hit penalty which will destroy the site up to 99% and cannot be restored unless the site changes and improves myself so I can create a useful site in the future.

If your website supports mobile viewing, make sure it does mobile friendly. Because there was a problem around 2021 that there was an algorithm update called. gave Mobilegeddon which can damage the SERP position for mobile visitors when the website isn’t mobile friendly.

Whatever it is, users don’t have to worry too much about this algorithm. What to do is keep thinking positive and do the above method to avoid something getting stuck.

Hopefully useful and good luck