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Simple!! How to share Telegram ID to keep phone numbers safe

How to share the telegram ID header

Gadgetren – Sharing a username or ID is the easiest and safest way to make new friends through the Telegram short message service.

In addition to a more concise path, sharing a Telegram ID can also be another alternative to maintain privacy as users don’t need to reveal the phone number they registered with.

On the other hand, Telegram also offers the function, which can basically be used directly from the application to share the ID via a link. So users no longer have to bother creating their own.

In simple terms, the telegram ID is a general identifier. You can use it as a personal contact, such as a phone number or email address, so that other people can find and contact you more easily.

How do I use Telegram ID as a private contact? How do you share it? In this discussion, let’s go over some of these things together.

Index of tutorials in this article:

Explanation of the telegram ID

Telegram is in fact a service that respects the confidentiality of users’ privacy data. This is evidenced by the support of a username which can be customized and shared without the need to display a phone number.

Telegram ID is the support of the user name. You can use it as a personal contact right out of the box without having to add any bells and whistles including the at symbol (@) in the foreground.

By sharing the ID, other people can easily find you on Telegram. Your account will automatically appear in a global contact list when you enter it in the search function.

Those who find your account can then send you a message right away, even if they don’t remember or know the phone number you used.

Taking advantage of this can certainly be another alternative to expanding communication channels to reach people more broadly when running a business or attracting partners.

How to share the telegram ID

  1. Open the Telegram app
  2. Tap menu (Hamburger icon) in the top left corner of the page
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  3. Call up the menu settings
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  4. In the section account, find the column Username
  5. Use the data in the column as a personal contact
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  6. If the information still contains None, You can do it like I described below first

In that case, you can embed the username in your Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter account bios to share. Or physically, you can put it on a business card or contact person in an announcement.

Equipped with a Telegram ID, users can find other users via the search field available in the app. You can see the following steps for yourself if you can’t use it already.

How to find users via the telegram ID

  1. Open the search field by tapping the icon Magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the Telegram main page
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  2. Enter the username of the account you want to search for
  3. Then select the associated account from the list that appears

The private conversation page with the account will open immediately. They can compose a message right away based on why you want to contact them.

You can then share your phone number with them if you want. You can do this Sunnah option by tapping More menu (Three-dot icon) in the upper right corner of the conversation page and then select the option Share my contact.

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For those of you who feel that this method is still not concise, Telegram also has a feature like the one mentioned above. You can use it as a personal contact like a WhatsApp link.

How to share the telegram ID via a link

  1. Open Telegram, then tap the button menu above
  2. Select settings then click section Username
  3. Copy the formatted link by tapping on it
  4. Open the note application or the biodata editing page of the desired social media service
  5. Paste the link in the section or column provided
  6. Save or update data by tapping the appropriate button

In addition to biodata from social media services and note applications, you can also share the link from your Telegram account manually via other short message applications, social media status or in a post.

This link feature is a bit more concise than using a username and reduces some of the account search steps when other users want to contact you.

How to find users via a Telegram ID link

  1. Look for formatted links from related users via social media bios or other intermediaries
  2. Click the link when you find it
  3. You can then compose a message according to your needs

By using the link, users no longer have to search for the account they want to contact via the global search function, including sorting out if there are usernames with similar text.

Unfortunately, sharing will feel useless if it’s done in physical form like on business cards or product flyers. If you want to keep using it, you’ll need a little extra trick such as: B. convert the link into a QR code (QR code) so that it only has to be scanned when opening.

How to convert a Telegram ID link into a QR code

  1. Copy the link like in the previous method
  2. Open the page with a browser
  3. Paste the link in the column Your url by doing Enter content
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  4. Use the menu Adjust colors To set the color of the QR code, you can choose a single color or gradation
  5. open minded Add logo image if you want to use the Telegram icon (you will need to find and upload your own picture, however, as the option is not yet available)
  6. click Customize design to customize the QR code shape
  7. Adjust the slider to determine the size of the QR code
  8. When everything is ready, click the button Create QR code in the lower section
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  9. Wait until the page has finished displaying the QR code from the link
  10. click Download PNG
  11. If necessary, set the save name and location, and then complete the process with the specified rarity
  12. In the last step, you can also install the QR code on the desired medium

Creating a QR code from a Telegram ID can certainly be an interesting option for those of you who want to conduct promotions or speeches in physical form with business cards, brochures, posters or product flyers.

Only with a large number of communication channels can the display of the media used appear confusing and full of QR codes if all data is converted into this form.

As an alternative for those who have a lot of communication channels, summarizing all this data in one link with the LinkTree service can be very helpful.

Use LinkTree to combine it

  1. Gather the link from Telegram ID and any data you want to share in a note
  2. Visit the page
  3. click Sign up for free (Log in and skip steps 4 through 10 if you already have an account)
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  4. Fill out the form according to your use and click on to register
  5. Enter a name and choose three categories that describe you
  6. click Captcha I’m not a robot and select the button Save details
  7. Choose an option Continue with Free if you want to use the service for free or choose a different package for those of you who want to subscribe to Premium
  8. Open the appropriate email address service, then go to the latest news from LinkTree
  9. Confirm with the requested steps
  10. click Keep going on a website open in a browser
  11. From the LinkTree Account Dashboard, click Add a new link
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  12. Change column Enter title with telegram
  13. Enter the link in the field Url
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  14. Repeat steps 11-13 if you want to add a lot of data like WhatsApp links, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts
  15. Make sure all the sliders of the data you want to share are active
  16. When you’re done, click the button share above
  17. Click option Copy my LinkTree url to copy the link or Download my LinkTree QR code if you want to download it in QR code
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  18. Use LinkTree’s link or QR code if necessary

In addition to being able to make the appearance more presentable, using LinkTree to collect multiple links that you want to share can make it easier for others to find the right communication channel.

Splitting the Telegram ID in the above ways is pretty easy. It’s all about and the data doesn’t show any information None, you need to create a username first.

How to create a telegram ID

  1. Run the Telegram app
  2. Tap menu then go to the section settings
  3. Tap on Option Username then fill in the column your username with the name you want to use
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  4. Click button Tick When you’re done with it
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You can use different arrangements of letters and numbers to create a Telegram username however you want. However, since it is unique, the name you choose may no longer be available because someone else is using it.

When entering a name, the application recognizes whether the word is still available or not. You need to find another word if someone else is already using it.

Interestingly, the use of Telegram ID is not mandatory. If you are not comfortable with all kinds of incoming messages from strangers (which you can find in global search) then you can turn them off.

How to deactivate the telegram ID

  1. open minded settings from the Telegram app as with some of the previous options
  2. Tap on Option Username
  3. Delete the username you used
  4. Press the button Tick above
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After deleting the user name, the telegram ID is not found in the global search of the service. You also need to share your phone number with other people if they want to call you.

Indeed, Telegram is one of the right alternatives for users when they encounter privacy issues on WhatsApp. Hence, those of you who have just made the switch can ask about this service in the comments column if you are having difficulty using it.