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Plugin to easily create HTTP 301 redirects

Redirect link

Manually creating an HTTP response code 301 page is certainly not easy, especially with a self-hosting WordPress-based blog that needs to be tweaked as much as possible to get more visitors from search engines.

Deleting links / articles affects the crawl errors found by search engine BOTs, and it’s pretty dangerous if you don’t know the consequences. Every search engine has the energy (health) of every site and if you find a lot of links that don’t work or errors to the DNS domain, that energy will go down and over time it can run out and cause crashed traffic.

Broken links can be overcome by HTTP response code 301 they are called moved permanently can provide good properties for error URLs in blogs. This method can be done manually or with a plugin, the manual method can be found in this article. Is there a plugin for a WordPress website that can automatically recognize deleted and changed posts? Of course there is, and the name of the plugin is Forwarding

Forwarding is a plugin by John Godley that can provide links with 301, 302 to 307 HTTP responses so that they can easily foresee link errors and can be read directly by this plugin. Any article dropped on a junk page is recognized as a 301 HTTP response, so there is no crawling error element from the 404 HTTP response.

Logs The plug-in available in the redirection plug-in can read both the location of the visitors to the page into which the code 301 was inserted and which is displayed by the referrer, as well as the IP used by them.

Do not use the .htaccess file for every HTTP header call and use the header function code directly from the PHP manual. This way, calling .htaccess which is the brain of the website will not boost server performance.

The following functions are included in the plugin Forwarding see below.!

Features are:

404 monitoring error – Captures a log of 404 errors and allows you to easily associate them with 301 redirects.

Custom ‘pass-through’ Redirects, which you can use to redirect a URL to another page, file, or website.

• Full logs for all redirected URLs

• All URLs can be redirected, not just those that do not exist

Redirection methods – Forwarding based on login status, forwarding to random pages, forwarding based on the referrer!

• Automatically add a 301 redirect when a post’s URL changes Manually add 301, 302, and 307 redirects for a WordPress post or any other file.

• Full regular expression support

Apache .htaccess is not required – works completely within WordPress Redirect index.php, index.html and index.htm access.

• Redirect statistics that tell you how often a redirect happened, when it last happened, who tried it, and where your URL was found. Fully localized

Available in:
• English
• French
• Spanish
• Chinese
• Catalan
• Japanese
• Hindi
• Indonesian
• German
• Italian
• Ukrainian
• polishing
• Arabic
• Brazilian
• Portuguese
• German
• Hungarian
• Turkish
• Romanian

To install this plugin, just go to the admin dashboard and go to the Addnew Plugins page and then enter Forwarding in the column provided and then just install it. Or install manually by downloading the archive plugin Forwarding. Please download on the banner below.!


Plugins Forwarding has installed more than 1 million WordPress blogs and will likely continue to grow as long as this plugin updates its version.

Hopefully useful and good luck