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md5 () function to create password hash in PHP


md5 is used by more than 1 million Webscript engines to protect user passwords in a hash of the form md5. With the md5 it can reduce the fraudulent retrieval of passwords or by hackers who want to take passwords with them. Therefore, md5 is very well suited to protect every character from large to small with different hash results.

Many md5 decrypt / decode sites allow you to know the hash that became md5, but knowing the hash is not always correct because if the user creates a difficult password it becomes difficult to get it from the md5decrypt Decrypt site. The system used on the md5decrypt site stores every character, including up to billions of words, that has been stored in the database.

Many hashes can be used in PHP. As sha1, tiger, etc., but not all sites generate these hashes with it, but still use md5: D. Please refer to the script below.

Encrypt md5

Know whether or not

The above two codes are a combination. So for the first one is Encrypt Name Paijo Dan Results from the md5 hash used for the function if in the second code. This method can be used for POST form and you can try like this.


Simple and very simple, the above is a combination of the code First and second which is merged into Name entry form. Please study the code Third up and practice. On the input form, the name is still the default, namely Paijoto change it please use the first code and change it to the string $ hash.

Hopefully useful and good luck