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How to turn off application internet data on Samsung phones

How to disable application internet data on Samsung Header HP

Gadgetren – Applications on Android phones today generally require internet data access to activate their functions or simply to update data.

Even when the app is not used or not used, it sometimes continues to collect internet data in the background. Some Android HP users, including Samsung, will definitely feel uncomfortable as the Internet data packet quota sometimes runs out quickly.

Because of this, many people are asking about disabling internet data on certain applications on Samsung phones, especially applications that are not in use. For those of you curious how to do this, check out the tutorial below.

How to turn off application internet data on Samsung phones

Via the apps menu

  1. First enter the menu or application settings on Samsung phones
  2. On page the settings, Select menu Apps
  3. Next, select the application for which internet data will be disabled
  4. After the application is selected, you will be taken to the page App information
  5. Then select Menu mobile data what brings you to the side Application data usage
  6. Next, you can just turn the feature off Allow use of background data

Samsung data apps 1

After the “Allow background data usage” feature is disabled, Internet data is automatically disabled when the application is not in use. However, if you need internet data access in the background, you can follow the steps above and just enable the Allow background data usage feature.

Via the connection menu

  1. First, open the app or the menu settings on Samsung phones
  2. Next, select Menu connections
  3. On page Links, Select menu Data consumption
  4. Then select Menu Mobile data usage
  5. On page mobile data usage, Select the application that turns off the internet data
  6. After the application is selected, you will be taken to the page Application data usage and can switch off the function immediately Allow use of background data

Samsung data apps2

Although the steps are slightly different, the main thing is to disable both the internet data for applications running in the background and the process via the Apps and Connections menus so that the Samsung HP user quota does not run out quickly.

You can also activate the functions in the connection menu Data saver to prevent idle applications from sucking up internet data by running in the system background. You can also choose for which applications Internet data will be disabled via the data saver.

It could be said that this method is very effective in preventing applications from sucking up internet data when they are running in the background. However, if you have experience and other ways of disabling application internet data on Samsung phone, then you can write it down in the comments column.