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How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Android Phone

How to Transfer iPhone Data to Android Header

Gadgetren – Although they are both types of mobile devices that are widely used by today’s users, iPhone and Android phones have ecosystems with very different levels of support.

Both have almost similar functions, only they are quite far apart in terms of interface, appearance and usability, so this sometimes raises a lot of questions for users.

Thanks to an operating system called iOS, the iPhone has a slightly different support for the management of stored data files than Android phones in general.

Hence, people need to take additional steps if they want to change both cell phones and platforms. In addition, iPhone and Android basically have no data transfer support that they can connect directly.

If transferring data between iPhones or Androids is easy when switching phones, it will look a little different when the user has to do it to another platform.

Fortunately, many tech companies are aware of this. Including Google and Apple, who by the way are the giants behind the development of systems for both types of mobile devices.

If you want to move from one platform to another, there are many methods you can use to successfully move the data. Some of them include the following ways to transfer data from iPhone to Android.

How to Transfer Data from iPhone to Android

Using Google Drive

  1. Download the Google Drive app from the Apple App Store
  2. Run the application when it is successfully installed
  3. Create an account or sign in with your Google account
  4. On the main page, click menu in the upper left corner
  5. Select menu settings
  6. Go to the section Fuse
  7. Tap the button Fuse
  8. Wait for the process to complete (don’t close the app)
  9. When you’re done, open the Google Drive app on Android
  10. Sign in with the same account as the iPhone app
  11. If necessary, download the Google Contacts, Google Photos, and Google Calendar applications as well

Google Drive is a solution not to be missed when switching to an Android device. The reason for this is that this service will be one of the important supports that will be widely used in the ecosystem created by Google.

Unfortunately, the transfer process via Google Drive can take a long time, depending on the user’s data volume. Even so, you’ll have to wait for it to complete (don’t close or turn off the internet) for it to succeed.

Additionally, for those of you who want to not only transfer data but move it around for a full switch to Android, you need to turn off FaceTime and iMessage services beforehand so you don’t miss any important calls and messages.

How to turn off FaceTime and iMessage

  1. open minded settings on the iPhone
  2. Go to the section announcements then turn the option off iMessage
  3. Back to main page settings
  4. Find and select menu FaceTime
  5. Change button FaceTime into a dead state

Disabling iMessage and FaceTime is very important for users who actually want to switch to Android phones. If you don’t, all messages and calls will still be on iPhone even if the SIM card is removed.

As a side note, iMessage and FaceTime themselves are very different from regular phone and messaging services. Apple uses internet services to manage it, so the feature will work even if it’s not turned off, which will continue to loop through all messages and calls to the user’s number.

Transferring with Google Drive uniquely supports different types of data including contacts, photos and calendars. If it’s not included, the solution can also be to use the upload functionality in the application.

How to manually upload data files to iPhone Google Drive

  1. Open the Google Drive app with your account
  2. Click button plus in the lower section
  3. Select Upload
  4. Next, tap on the menu Search Then find and select all the files you want
  5. Tap the button Upload

Using Google Drive to move data from iPhone to Android is very helpful. Unfortunately, users need an internet connection and the transfer process is not straight from device to device.

As a more attractive solution, users can use third-party cross-platform data transfer services such as Send Anywhere. In general, all you need to do is install the application and connect the two devices on a network.

Use Send Anywhere

  1. Install the Send Anywhere application on both phones
  2. When you’re done, open the Send Anywhere app on your iPhone
  3. Select all the data you want to transfer (can select one or more data at a time)
  4. Touch button Send to start sending data
  5. Note the special code that appears afterwards
    How to Transfer iPhone Data to Android 1
  6. Open the Send Anywhere application on your Android phone
  7. If the app requests access to some sections, grant that access
  8. Touch button Obtain at the bottom of the app
  9. Enter the code successfully copied from the Send Anywhere app on the iPhone
  10. Touch button Obtain
    How to Transfer iPhone Data to Android 2
  11. The data is automatically transferred from the iPhone to the target Android phone

It is the easiest way to transfer data between iPhone and Android. Users only need to install the Send Anywhere application on both mobile phones via the Google Play Store and the Apple Apps Store, depending on the device.

Interestingly, the data transfer is carried out without the Internet when both mobile phones are in the same WiFi network. However, if the network is different, the process is done over the internet.

This makes it very suitable when the user wants to send a lot of data at once. In addition, for easy search, the data is divided into four categories, namely Photos, Videos, Contacts, and Files.

In particular, for the data type of photos taken by the iPhone camera, there is a possibility that the data format is HEIC, which is a little more difficult to open on other devices than the standard format. It’s good for photo type data. Users use the Send Anywhere option from the Photos application on iPhone to automatically change the format to JPEG first.

Use Send Photos Anywhere from

  1. Open the app photos on the iPhone device
  2. Find and mark all the photos you want to send
  3. Then tap the button share
  4. Select menu Send anywhere

In addition to the ability to send data from the iPhone to Android, this service, interestingly, also supports many other platforms, including Amazon Kindle, the Microsoft Windows family, MacOS and even Linux.

If the data to be transferred is very large and you need fast data transfer, you can use a laptop or computer. However, the steps involved in this method are a little longer.

Use a Windows-Based Computer

  1. Install the iTunes app from the Microsoft Store
  2. Once installed successfully, open the application
  3. Sign in or create an Apple ID account if you need one
  4. Connect the iPhone to the computer with a USB cable
  5. Wait until the device is fully connected
  6. Select iPhone connected from the list on the left
  7. Touch options Data exchange
  8. Tap the related app from the list that appears in the section Apps
  9. In the column to the right, select all of the data that you want to move
  10. Click button Save on computer
  11. Find a storage location that is easy to find
  12. Confirm with key Save on computer Once again
  13. Wait for the transfer process to complete
  14. After that, connect the Android phone to the computer using the appropriate cable
  15. open minded Notification panel by pulling the top bar down
  16. Tap Notification in USB mode (usually this device is still charged via USB)
    How to Transfer iPhone Data to Android 3
  17. Then change the connection to File transfer mode if needed
  18. Open the folder where you saved the copy of the data from the iPhone
  19. Select all of the files that you want to send to Android
  20. Right click then choose Copy or Cut
  21. Open the Android phone folder
  22. Find the folder where you want to save the copy of the data file
  23. Right click then choose paste

The speed of data transfer via a USB cable is usually faster than wireless. However, it cannot be denied that this also depends on the type of USB and the quality of the cable used.

You don’t just need a computer with this method. As explained above, the transfer process included in it also requires an iPhone (Lightning) and an Android data cable (depending on the type supported).

If you are using a mobile phone of several well-known brands, the transfer of data from iPhone to Android can usually also be done easily by special functions of the company.

Use the phone’s built-in features

In general, you usually just need to install the same app on your iPhone device and then set that device as the sender. In addition, you can activate on Android phones Transfer mode from iPhone.

The steps to use the individual functions of the above company more precisely vary, of course. So don’t hesitate to ask in the comments column if you run into any difficulties.