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How to overcome Prolink HSPA modem not responding on PC

Prolink HSPA modem on PC

Each modem must have its own program that is used to manage many things related to the network and modem devices. Examples such as specifying access points, signal types, and others. Not all modems need their own program and there are even modems that do not need it and can directly establish a connection with the dial-up function in Windows. On the other hand, modems that have to use their own program always have some problems, one of which is buggy.

Faults that result in the modem program can have various causes, for example because: RAM which is not enough, there are programs that are connected, such as VPN, etc. As is the case with the Prolink HSPA modem program, it sometimes does Problem establishing a connection and one day it happened does not react. The program looks very simple and easy, but compared to mobile partners, mobile partners are actually superior because there are seldom disruptions.

So the problem that is being discussed this time is on Prolink HSPA modem program that suddenly stops responding when connected to the Internet. This problem isn’t constant or quite rare, but it’s very annoying as it removed the modem from the router USB connection and plugged in again, but the program still does not react and cannot be removed directly from the program. Here’s how to overcome this.

  1. Set compatibility under Windows 7 – While this Prolink modem is not exactly old school, the programs provided may be out of date and cause this. To do this, right click on the shortcut and select Properties, then go to the Compatibility tab and set this program to run on Windows on version 7 such as Windows XP or Windows 2000.
  2. Turn off the VPN program if the Prolink program does not respond – This is just an attempt to find out what is causing the symptom of an unresponsive modem program and in fact I experienced it myself using the Cyberghost VPN program at the time, so after trying to turn off the VPN network it turned out that the modem program was no longer problematic.
  3. Unplug the modem and plug it in again – Actually, repeating it over and over is not a good thing as it is not good to keep uninstalling and plugging in, so I recommend using a mini USB extender to keep the USB working on the PC. If the user has just disconnected the modem, wait for the Prolink program to say “Device not connectedand then please print it out again.
  4. Use dial-up mode – If there are still problems connecting the network directly from the modem program, it is better to connect it from the PC’s dial-up mode. It’s very easy to set up and just like creating a regular access point. As for the Prolink HSPA Moddem program, if it is closed it will not connect to the modem so please minimize the program while connecting via dial-up connection.
  5. Reinstall the modem program – The last option is to reinstall the modem program if it is consistently quite problematic, resulting in an inability to connect to the Internet. This is due to many things and it may be that the data in the program is corrupted so this happens and needs to be reinstalled.

I’m not telling users to try all of the above, but try any of the methods above and see if it can solve the problem or not, and if it still doesn’t work, try the method below. I use a modem myself Prolink PHS-600 and who used to have problems with PCs with Windows 7, have now never experienced these glitches again and are completely comfortable when surfing the Internet.

Hopefully useful and good luck