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How to overcome buffering while watching videos on Youtube

How to overcome buffering while watching videos on Youtube

I shared some things on youtube three times. Not just a problem, but tricks and so on. It’s true that sometimes playing videos on Youtube is fun, but sometimes it’s not fun due to too much buffering.

When we talk about buffering, it is usually assumed that it relates to the connection form currently in use. You actually don’t just know that. Even YouTube is there fastest server when playing the video at that time.

Do the users know that the video player on youtube has now used the type? HTML5 or with the intention of no longer using the assistance Adobe Flash so that playback from the browser can be better without further add-ons.

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Causes for the constant playback of buffered YouTube videos

One thing that makes buffering most useful, or commonly known as a Loading the one who does not want to start the video smoothly or just show a swirling image is because the connection is not smooth. On the other hand, there are people who say this problem occurs on Youtube because it can still play videos smoothly on other sites.

If the problem is like this then it is certain that something is wrong with Youtube and I think it relates to the settings that were made. Be it in terms of resolution or maybe the problem is in the browser.

Solution to overcome the YouTube buffer

There are a few tips you can share this time around and I think they will work 100%. And what users have to pay attention to in advance is link. Because a connection is very important when playing videos. And if there aren’t any problems connecting, just keep reading the tips below.

  • Clear browser cache – Cache that accumulates in the browser not only makes the browser slow but also reduces the performance when accessing a site like Youtube.

    In general, Youtube does not store cache in the form of videos, but in the form of pages. And each user opens a page on Youtube that is stored in the cache. And this buffering problem can be caused by the cache file failure, so it needs to be deleted and replaced with a new one.

  • Try a different browser – There are many browsers that you can still try. If the user is currently using Firefox, try playing Youtube with Chrome. Even if you can comfortably play videos using the Chrome browser, the problem could be in Firefox.

    Now the problem is with the Firefox browser, for example, with the cache discussed above. Or if it still doesn’t work there is no other option but to reinstall the browser.

  • Do not set the resolution to auto – There is a peculiarity when this resolution is set to Auto. Basically, Youtube has an intelligent way of detecting the connection speed so that it can choose which resolution corresponds to the current connection conditions.

    But do to compare It is assumed that it takes a little longer to resolve based on the connection than the user selects the appropriate resolution. My advice to watch videos with a good display, just pick a resolution of 360p or 480p.

  • Deactivating all browser add-ons – Add-ons or add-ons in the browser that complement this feature sometimes have such a negative impact on a site that they need to be deactivated.

    At this point, try to disable all plug-ins on your browser, including AD block. Because the last time my friend couldn’t play a video on Youtube and kept buffering was activating the add-on AD block.

  • Don’t use VPN or tunneling – Using internet security similar to VPN is very important. But it only gets worse when the connection is unstable or the VPN server used isn’t that fast.

    As I said above, this Youtube has the fastest server for users to play videos better. And it’s different if the user is using a VPN and the server is out of the country. Youtube thus automatically provides an external server for playing videos.

Do the above method from the very top first. I guarantee users will definitely be able to watch videos on Youtube again no more buffering. The above method can be used on a PC or smartphone.


Buffering is a very common thing because of a slow connection, but it is no longer referred to as “normal” if the current connection feels stable. Such problems are common when playing videos on Youtube with a browser, but it rarely malfunctions when the user is playing it through an application on a smartphone.

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Even if users experience the same thing in the Youtube application on their mobile phones, it may be because of the resolution discussed earlier, which needs to be set manually rather than automatic.

Also, make sure the Youtube logo is showing some ID text in the top right to know the user is in Indonesia. In this way, Youtube offers the fastest local server to play all videos.

Hopefully useful and good luck