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How To Make Money With Sharepop Using App Advertising

Making money online is not as easy as you might think. It takes a lot of effort to get someone into what users share. If you’ve ever heard of making money on social media, it must be a lot of fun while communicating with friends on all social media. But it turned out to be not impossible.

Sharepop is a service that allows users to make money on all types of social media. All there is to do is arouse the sympathy of someone to install an application Android or iOS and as long as the person installs the app, the user can benefit.

This is difficult to do if the user has no way of attracting customers.

There are many things that can be done to attract customers so that they will want to try the application we are sharing with them. It doesn’t matter how the user conducts the promotion, the most important thing is that there are people interested in trying the product.

This article is only a review of the Sharepop website after trying it myself for a few months.

Currently, Sharepop is even superior to CPI services (Cost per installation) others because it is very easy to get money there and there are also tricks and tips. Please note that Sharepop is not a CPA service (Costs per action), as the product that the application was asked for is just an application and there is no survey or other product.

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Sharepop demonstrably pay. That’s right, and for the time being, payments will only be made by PayPal and bank. Perhaps in the future, Sharepop may consider adding payment options in other methods to make it even better.

There are people who only complain about Sharepop because they don’t get paid because of an invalid installation. And there are several ways you can avoid this.

SharePop Review, App Promotion, and Make Money

Commission Earning System

Every product that appears on the dashboard is in the form of dots. Simply put, 100 points are valued at $ 1, so at 500 points it is $ 5. Sometimes the bigger the app size, the more points you get.

However, one thing that users need to monitor before promoting any product is the number of installs remaining for that product because if it shows all zero then the user will not be able to get anything.

Where can I do product promotion?

As I said above, advertising can be done on all social media and websites once you have done so. However, users should conduct promotions in a normal and healthy manner so that the results obtained are not bad files in Sharepop’s eyes.

Because if, for example, the user does it Spam In a Facebook group, the impact is not getting paid for an invalid installation.

Avoid invalid installations

  • No spamming – One rule that you shouldn’t do is spam on social media to trick others into installing an app without knowing what it is. So that person will uninstall it immediately after installing it.
  • Cheat – Certainly not every CPI service wants to be scammed by its users and they will know if there are any users violating the frequent installation of their own applications on their mobile phones.
  • Do not use any material – In fact, there are products that do not need materials to advertise, but for better results you should use materials. Whether in the form of pictures or videos, so that people understand which applications they want to install on their phones.

Sometimes Sharepop doesn’t pay its users right away when there are too many invalid installs, but when there are only a few, Sharepop just adds deduction or deduct part of the commission earned during this time and the discount can be refunded to the advertisers.

Sharepop payment system

Sharepop currently pays everyone editor when you get 50 €. There are only 2 payment options, namely PayPal and bank transfer or bank. All payments are processed monthly.

Previously, the Sharepop payment system was only $ 20 for the PayPal option, but as of mid-2021, the minimum withdrawal amount has been increased to $ 50.

The more users promote the product well, the better the results will be. A number of editor also many who reveal a lot of tips and tricks directly in the Sharepop Facebook group so that users can learn there too and communicate directly with the account manager.

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If the user has sufficient capital, we recommend that you give it a try Buy advertising on Facebook because this trick is actually very precise in order to win customers according to the criteria. Also, create a website that discusses this one product. That way there is no more deduction.

Hopefully useful and good luck