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How to Limit Comments on Instagram

How to limit comments in the Instagram header

Gadgetren – Under the umbrella of Facebook, Instagram is now becoming increasingly popular worldwide with more than 1 billion active users.

At first glance, Instagram itself is a social network that allows users to upload photos in order to present them to many people. The photos uploaded by users of this application usually have interesting features and aphorisms that encourage other users to leave comments.

But sometimes there are bad comments on photos uploaded to Instagram, which spark heated debates. For gadgets who want to restrict comments so they don’t get filled with spam or negative words, they can watch the tutorial on how to restrict comments on Instagram as follows.

How to limit the comment field on Instagram

  1. First, Gadgeter can directly open the Instagram application
  2. In the Instagram application, gadgets can go straight to the menu profile
  3. On page Profiles, Gadgeter can press the icon menu 3 lines top right
  4. Next, the gadget can select the menu settings
  5. On page the settings, Gadgeter can choose the menu Privacy and security
  6. On page Privacy and security, Gadgeter can choose the menu Comment controls
  7. In addition, Gadgeter can use the Allow comments from, Block comments from, Hide offensive comments, until Filter manual
  8. In this case I choose Block comment from to determine which accounts are not allowed to comment on my account
  9. Then Gadgeter just won’t return to the main Instagram page and auto-locked accounts won’t be able to comment

at a glance, Allow comment from is a feature that allows different accounts to comment on uploaded photos. There is an option in the Allow Comment Form menu anyone, People you follow and your followers, People you follow and Your followers.

When the gadgeter chooses an option Anyone then all accounts on Instagram are allowed to comment on photos that have been uploaded to Instagram by gadgeters. In the interim People you follow and your followers is an account that is tracked and tracked by gadgeters.

Then, People you follow is an account followed by Gadgeter. In the meantime, Your followers is an account that follows Gadgeter. If the gadgeter wants to block comments from the specified account immediately, he can choose Block comments from.

Still on the side Comment controls, there are filters consisting of Hide offensive comments and Filter manual. For filters Hide offensive comments automatically hides any offensive or cursing comments.

Settings to block Instagram comments

In the meantime, if Filter manual is activated, the gadgeter can determine the desired words or phrases so that they can be blocked immediately in the comment column. In addition there is also Filter the most frequently reported words which means that frequently reported words or sentences are automatically hidden in the comment column.

You could say Instagram has prepared a variety of functions that are very effective in blocking or restricting comments from other users on its application. Of course, blocking comments with obscene words is very helpful.