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How to create a multi SSID on a Speedy WiFi router

Most people say that WiFi is one of the most stable networks and is great for downloading large content quickly. Of course, there is right and wrong depending on the speed and user of the WiFi. Of course, if there are users disconnecting it cannot be considered stable as it looks like the connection will go away on its own due to excessive pings from other users or I can say the annoying ping flood method Connection makes other users using the same network unable to be satisfied with fast internet surfing.

In Indonesia itself, a WiFi network is already provided by Telekom and the price offered is very good instead of having to buy a monthly quota. And with WiFi there is no quota to expire, so you don’t have to think about how long the quota or bandwidth is going to be as WiFi can be used indefinitely or indefinitely forever. But even though it’s unlimited, it still gets an FBD which limits internet speed if it exceeds a predetermined byte limit. However, it will not be annoying if the WLAN used is not intended for Internet cafes.

There are many types of routers that carry WiFi networks, and most of them are human Telekom always provides routers that are very easy to use and can be accessed more broadly via Telnet to get hidden functions. And here I am going to share the procedure for creating a new SSID and this method over Telnet. Usually there are wifi routers that have a feature to create a new SSID in the admin page settings, but if it doesn’t you have to create it manually via telnet and this is very safe to use because if one Error occurs can still be eliminated by pressing the reset button on the router.

An example of multi SSID is like Telekom’s standard SSID, which is sometimes displayed as a WiFi network called @, [email protected], and so forth. To make this very easy, all you need is a Telnet client such as PuTTY to make the settings in the router. I shared how to disable myself and if you want to see it please search for the komol available on this website. In the following you will find out how you can easily create a multi-SSID on the Telekom Speedy router. See below.

  1. Please connect the LAN cable first and make sure that you have a Telnet client. When the requirements are prepared, just go to CMD or Telnet client like PuTTY and enter the IP gateway. For example Telnet

  2. Next, please enter the password for the Telnet area. If you feel you haven’t changed, please enter Administrator or the world in your hand. When you are logged in, just enter the command rt setbssidnum 3 and ENTER.

  3. The above is to do the SSID 3, so I’m going to edit the SSID in Part 3 here as 1 is the main SSID and 2 is the Telecom additional SSID. Please enter now rt node index 3 and ENTER to create a new SSID, please re-enter rt node ssidAPname. Pay attention to the “AP Name” section, please replace it with the name of the WiFi / Access Point that is being created. and enter ENTER

  4. Still not done, to create an authentication type, please enter rt node authmode wpapsk and ENTER. Next guy again rt node encryption aes and ENTER. To enter the password, please enter rt node wpapskPassword. Please change the section “Password” and then ENTER.

  5. To save everything, please enter rt save node and ENTER. Please wait for the restart to complete and the new SSID to appear soon

  6. If it still doesn’t appear, it means the AP has not been enabled for the SSID. To activate it, please type and enter telnet like the first method activate rtap 3 and ENTER. Now it will definitely appear

The above method will be easier if you do it while reading, it will feel very complicated, but if you practice directly it will not be as difficult as it seems. As I said above, the above method is very safe and even if there is a small error, you can still reset the router and try again. Usually The SSID added as above is still not set in the gateway section so it is the same as the main AP, and there is no way to change the gateway as only the main AP can be changed. But there is a possibility that this IP gateway exists on the additional SSID so that you can access the internet through the admin page and section Interface facility and on the menu LAN Please check the 3. BSSID section, then just hit the save button and see the difference. If you have anything to ask, please comment.

Hopefully useful and good luck