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How to check the number of pages indexed by Google

How to check the number of pages indexed by Google

Creating a website is actually not that difficult. But the hard part is content creation because it takes a lot of time to produce quality content that will interest visitors.

For example, if the blog owner creates 1 piece of content every day, at least 300+ pieces of content will be collected every year. And all of that needs to be indexed on Google to make it more meaningful. Because if it’s not indexed at all, then of course it will hard to get visitors later.

In general, most people type their website name directly into google and check that it is properly indexed. But do you know that there is a more effective way to get around knowing that the website is actually indexed along with all of the content contained therein. And the method is shared in this article.

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How to check the number of pages indexed on google

An easy way to do this is through Google itself. In fact, there are several ways, but only the easiest way is shown here.

  1. Please open a browser and go to Google.

  2. In the search box, enter:


    ** Please change the text “yoursite.tld”Becomes the current domain of the site.

    How to check the number of pages indexed on google

  3. After that, pay attention to the Results above this is the current total number of the indexed page.

    How to check the number of pages indexed on google

You might get thousands of results, and that’s all the pages Google has crawled so far. Are you just offsetting the content you create, is it better or less? And if the results are even lower, it means your website is rarely crawled by Google, so the content is only partially indexed.

Tips so that all content can be indexed by Google

When a website is registered with the Google Search Console, it is usually crawled regularly by the Google system. But there are also several options that can be used to allow the crawler to arrive faster than usual. Such as:

  • Use functions Retrieve as google manually in the Google Search Console.

  • Add a sitemap to the Google Search Console.

  • Adding regular content every day.

  • Use the PING service.

  • Increase the quality of the backlinks.

These are just a few things you can do to make all content index faster. But don’t overdo it as it is actually considered spam so the website may have a bad reputation when it is searched.

Also Read: Knowing Articles Are Indexed Or Not On Google


Checking the entire indexed pages is really necessary to find out how much of the created content has appeared on Google. Another option is to view them directly from the dashboard in the Google Search Console.

And it would be even better to do the above method through mode incognito in the browser used to see the actual results. Or at least delete cookies in the browser first.

Hopefully useful and good luck