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How to change Twitter username | Gadgetren

How to change Twitter header username

Gadgetren – Sometimes Twitter users want to change their username because it is no longer appropriate or feels less appropriate than it was a few years ago.

For example, an employee or businessman who wants to change their Twitter username because the account was created during school and has a slightly childlike name.

For that, gadgets who want to change their Twitter username can see the tutorial as follows.

Change the user name via laptop or PC

  1. Devices can type in the side column of a browser.
  2. On the Twitter timeline page, Gadgeter can log in directly with their username and password.
  3. After successful registration, Gadgeter can immediately select the small profile photo at the top right and select the menu Settings and data protection.
  4. On the menu Settings and data protection, Gadgeter is faced with many menus. The top menu option is Accounts.
  5. On page Accounts, Gadgeter go straight to the column Username and rename it as desired.
  6. If a substitute name is available, it will be written Available. However, if the substitute name was used by another user, Twitter will display the words Username is already in use.
  7. After the Gadgeter has been given a replacement name as requested, he can immediately press the button Save Changes.
  8. Gadgeter can instantly refresh the browser and see if the username has been changed successfully.

Change Twitter username via computer

Changing the username via a laptop or PC is very quick in my opinion, as users can open this feature in a few steps. Even Twitter keeps the menu for changing the username at the top of the settings menu.

Change the username on an Android phone

  1. First of all, you can first install the Twitter application on your smartphone from Google Play.
  2. After opening the Twitter app, sign in with the account you want to rename.
  3. On the timeline page, Gadgeter can select a small profile photo in the top left and select the menu Settings and data protection.
  4. Next gadget can choose the menu Accounts.
  5. Go to the menu Username to replace it with a new name.
  6. On page Change username, Gadgeter can enter a new name in the column New.
  7. After the new or replacement name is deemed appropriate, the gadgeter can immediately select the button Complete.
  8. After this process is complete, the new name will automatically replace the old one.

Change Twitter username on HP

I can say that changing the username via this smartphone is just as quick and easy. In this case, however, you need to have the Twitter application on your smartphone first.

Of course, Twitter allows users to change their username multiple times as needed, so don’t be afraid to enter the wrong one.