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Here's how to add a loading progress bar to Chrome

Here's how to add a progress bar to Chrome

Chrome is a browser specially designed by Google and it has become one of the best browsers ever on a PC. Aside from PCs, Chrome is widely used on Android phones as well, and Chrome is in all likelihood the best browser among Android phones. There are so many other browsers out there that use Chrome’s services when browsing a website, one of the most popular is Opera. The browser uses Chrome as a help tool to crawl all the websites but it has better functionality but still uses Chrome Help called Chrominium.

So far, I still use Opera myself because it’s lighter than Chrome, but although it’s different, all of the features in Chrome are in Opera and best of all, all of the extensions in Chrome can be used in Opera and only for extensions. If you notice Opera and Chrome themselves don’t have a progress bar in either area every time you open a website, and this is worrying for some people who are still using a restricted connection because they don’t know where the loading ends because if it doesn’t end it’ll just go blank or load the same page with no progress bar.

It’s different from UC Browser for PC, which also uses Chrome as a browser tool in speed mode, but still shows the loading progress at the top. it also doesn’t require any help and is native to the browser. But it’s still a shame, even though this UC browser for PC has exceptional features and more than other Chrominium-based browsers, it’s still not good for low-end PCs as the excessive RAM consumption leads to that Low-end PCs heat up quickly and resume. Of course, unless a cooling pad is used, it will damage the internal components, it can still dissipate the heat that is present.

If you still don’t understand or know what a progress bar is? So in my opinion the progress bar is one of the objects in the form of a loading or loading process, and the loading process when opening a page is currently being discussed everything, for example Facebook, Twitter and others. If you are still confused, please open GMail and sign in with your Google account. So when the process goes to the inbox, it will show a load object, and that object is known as a progress bar. Or when watching a video on Youtube, of course when watching you can see how many minutes this video still ends and this is what the progress bar looks like. Here’s how to easily add a progress bar to Chrome.

  1. First, open the Chrome browser and just install this Pace4Chrome extension

  2. Please open after installation Extension Manager and choose Options on Pace4Chrome.

  3. In this section you can choose which progress bar to use. Please select the one you want. And when you have decided, please click on the button save Changes Then try to open any website page. A progress bar will certainly be displayed

  4. You can also replace the blue color with a color code with the color you want, please look for it on the Wikipedia color code page

  5. .

It’s easy, isn’t it? Essentially, this is aided by an extension called Pace4Chrome, which has a variety of interesting charging animations. Can also be used for Opera and other Chrominium browsers. It’s just that the existing progress bar still can’t see what percentage is during the upload process, it just shows the loading process and when something is uploaded it won’t show because some websites offer it the file upload function already uses Javascript, which helps to better display the progress bar. I have been using this extension myself so far and it really helps when the connection is really not friendly at night.

There is a button Show advanced options, is specially designed for users who already understand CSS elements. So if you still don’t understand them, don’t change them. The “Restore default settings” function can also be used to completely restore the status that was just installed. So far, I’ve only found this extension to show the progress bar in Chrome and haven’t found any other extension of its kind yet can provide complete processes, e.g. B. the output of kilobytes when opening a page, maybe there is, but I don’t know yet, if someone does, please enter it in the comment column, I’m grateful for that. ️

Hopefully useful and good luck