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Do not miss it! How to set an alarm clock on your phone

How to set an alarm on a cellphone - header

Gadgetren – The installation of an alarm is one of the basic settings of a cell phone that a user must be aware of, regardless of the brand or operating system.

While it is very simple, it turns out that there are some people out there who don’t know how to set an alarm on their cell phone for various reasons such as: B. because you are new or recently upgraded from another operating system.

If you are one of them then visiting this article is the right step as I am going to try to check out how to fully manage your cellphone’s alarm functions.

Please note in advance that you will of course have to adapt the following steps if necessary, as differences in the user interface, application or operating system version may occur.

How to install an alarm on a mobile phone

Add an alarm

  1. Open the app clock (Clock)
  2. Navigate to the tab alarm
  3. Click sign plus (+)
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  4. Set the clock to the time you want to set
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  5. To create repetitions (repeated alarms) for multiple times, use the options Repeat and select the day you want
    How to set an alarm on a mobile phone -3
  6. Rename in section Alarm name or label
  7. Press Alarm tone or ring tone title to activate and change the settings
    How to install the alarm on HP -4
  8. activate Slumber (Alarm snooze) when you need it
  9. After all settings have been made, you may need to press the button Save on computer to save it

In general, setting an alarm on an Android or iOS based mobile phone has almost the same steps. You can follow the steps above for either operating system.

Interestingly, in some watch applications you can set the date by pressing the Date option and use songs from various services like YouTube Music or Spotify as ringtones.

Based on my experience, the alarm settings are usually increased from time to time according to the number of needs. Fortunately, the user can choose which one to activate or deactivate.

Activate / deactivate alarm

  1. Access the clock application on the mobile phone
  2. Go to the section alarm
  3. click Slide button next to the alarm menu that you want to activate or deactivate
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In addition to specifying which one is activated, users can also change the settings of each alarm and update them as a reminder of other activity.

Edit alarms

  1. Open the clock application again
  2. Open tab alarm
  3. Tap the alarm you want to edit
  4. Change the opening times as needed
  5. Reset additional settings such as labels, ringtones or repeats according to the desired settings
  6. If necessary, click the button Save on computer save settings

In the meantime, for the alarm menu that is no longer used or broadcast as a new marker, users can also clear their settings to clean up the look of the clock application.

Clear alarm

  1. Open tab alarm from the clock app
  2. Find and tap the alarm clock to clear it
  3. Click button Extinguish
    How to install an alarm on HP -6

If you don’t find this setting, return to the tab alarm. Then tap on one of the alarms and hold it down until the button Extinguish seen. Highlight all of the settings that you want to delete, then click Extinguish.

Setting an alarm is very important indeed to facilitate various activities in daily life. Hopefully this review can help users with that.