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Better to stream or download while watching movies

Better to stream or download while watching movies

Sometimes people find it difficult to decide whether to watch movies online or offline, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages. When you look online, it’s about the odds and of course requires a very high data connection. It also depends on the quality of the selected video.

Most movie streaming sites have a feature to select the video quality you want. As Youtube, Netflix, Prime videos, etc. But when users watch it on a film distributor’s website illegal, this function may not be available.

Quota is the most important thing to be able to surf the Internet, hence all of them Saving quota is like saving electricity. Downloading and streaming also require both quotas, but differ in their later use.

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Difference between watching videos online and offline

Perhaps it is time for users to think about both the good side and something that will be needed later. But that doesn’t mean I prefer either thing because this article is very neutral.

  • Quota – The thing that becomes access to the internet is an important factor in watching movies. Downloading or streaming makes no difference and depends on the video resolution you choose.
  • Buffer and download speed – When streaming, users will experience buffering at some point due to not always fast connections. Also, when it comes to downloading, it cannot be said to be fast if the internet speed is very slow.
  • subtitle – This is where offline viewing is superior because users can search for subtitle files on a subtitle provider’s website on the Internet. When watching online, you will only get makeshift subtitles from the streaming site provider.
  • Video player functions – Typically, movie streaming websites use HTML5 video players that can be customized by third parties such as the Super Netflix add-on. But that will only add a couple of features. When you watch movies offline, you will get all the features available in the video player program and of course it will be more complete.
  • Need memory – Offline viewing actually requires a large storage capacity when the video is saved later. However, when streaming, the video is not saved and is immediately discarded.

From the above five things, in my opinion, users can conclude which is better than the two things. Given that the price of the quota is now expensive, watching videos at a slightly lower resolution may be an option.

What’s better between downloading and streaming?

In deciding those two things, I think it comes down to the internet quota I have. So when I use connection, for example unlimited like WiFi so I prefer to watch it online.

Also Read: How To Play Videos With Subtitles On TV

Well, if I use the appropriate regular quota 1 gigabyte, so I decided to download this one movie. However, if the decision I make is not what the user thinks, then don’t try to imitate and try the way the user wants.

Hopefully useful and good luck